Be inspired by our local blue spaces and get creative. We want local communities and artists to come together to make and experience art in a blue space environment. There are many different ways to get creative, including writing, music, painting and drawing.
As well as the arts, we want to support ideas about creating greater awareness of how just walking or sitting around water can help improve wellbeing.
We would love to hear your stories about Bluespaces you visit. Post your stories and inspire others on Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget to tag using the hashtags #Bluetonic and #Bluespacesunday
We want to help people be inspired by our blue spaces and get creative. We want local communities and artists to come together and experience art in a creative blue space environment. There are many ways to get creative, from writing to music and painting and drawing.
A local example is Sally Taylor-Brown who writes poetry that is inspired by Blue Spaces in the Midlands, She says:
"Getting involved in creative and social activities by blue spaces helps you feel good in mind, body and spirt"
You can read Sally's poetry on instagram @rhymingsal